A business plan should be developed in order to justify fully the construction of new sports facilities or improvement of existing facilities. The plan will be an important document for seeking funding.
The business plan might include the followingcomponents:
-A needs analysis identifying potential users from clubs, schools and higher education institutions etc. for Track and Field competition, and training with usage patterns and times of usage as well as for other sports users.
-A commitment to sustainable building design that recognises the need for reducina carbon emissions and more eficient use ofresources
-A sustainability plan which addresses energy and resource conservation in design and construction in line with the World Athletics Green Project
- An operational plan that identifies the type of management structure that will be responsible for the day to day operation and maintenance of the facility, The manager could be a single club,a multiple user management committee or an externa manaaement authority such as a municipa. state or nationa body
- Costing based on an outline brief would include:
-Civil engineering work including the synthetic surface -Building costs
-Athletics equipment
-Operation and maintenance costs on a life cycle basis
-A funding analysis identifying possible capital sports funding sources such as federal. state and/or municipal authorities, philanthropic trusts, and private donations that may attract taxation concessions.Projected use charges will determine whether the cost of operation and maintenance can be funded by users or whether supplementary funding will be required from anexterna source.
It would be appropriate to have the business plan prepared by a consultant who would interview allthe potential stakeholders.